Artificial Intelligence | This Tech Is Making Recruitment Easier

Jun 25,2019 by Rahul Garg

Getting diligent and adroit employees on board has always been one of the crucial tasks for businesses, as dexterous workers offer great help in accomplishing set objectives.

However, recruiting has become an arduous task with time, and all thanks go to propagating resume falsification rate. As we know, every problem has a solution, as all you need is a determination to find it.

In the business world, applications of artificial intelligence are deemed as the resolution to hiring-concerned problems.

The salience of Artificial Intelligence Solutions is on the rise, and the factor that guarantees this is AI business value is likely to reach $1.2 trillion globally in 2019, revealed by Gartner. In addition, 63% of global HR professionals have said that artificial intelligence has changed the way of recruiting.

If industry reports are anything to go by, 62% of businesses had brought AI-powered software into HR operations in 2018. As per Undercover Recruiter, the involvement of artificial intelligence in the recruitment process in the next 10 years is expected to increase up to 16%.

Get enough of AI-centric statistics? Want to know how AI is helping in enhancing the QoH (quality of hire)? Pay heed to below-given pointers:

1. Easier resume screening

According to one of the revelations of Ideal, 52% of talent acquisition leaders believe that the most challenging part of their job is resume screening.  It is because they have to go through a pile of job applications to get a specific position filled.

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Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, the vexatious resume screening process has become easier. Due to AI-driven screening software, it gets easier to filter resumes in accordance with the job description. It’s no brainer that when you start reaching out to the right candidates without breaking a sweat, QoH is bound to snowball.

“Do AI-based recruiting suggestions 100% accurate and reliable?”

If they do, what will be the need of human recruiters? Put simply, there is a puny chance that AI-driven screening software may miss potential employees, regardless of its promising results. Thus, human recruiters are vital for the perfect hiring process. 

Read Also: 4 Ways to Get Dream Job in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

2. Paring hiring time

From the business’s perspective, time is money. Therefore, everything from shortlisting potential candidates to interviewing them should be done as soon as possible, because the long hiring process negatively affects the business’s bottom line.

The fact that will leave you open-mouthed is sometimes recruiting a single candidate takes up to 2 months, although this depends on the size of the company.

The top 3 time-consuming recruitment tasks are:

  • Screening resumes.
  • Candidate nurturing.
  • Shortlisting of candidates.

By God’s grace, these 3 tasks can easily be automated. By virtue of AI-driven hiring tools, businesses not only enjoy seamless on-boarding but also save a significant amount of time.

3. Candidate matching

At the present time, so many new technologies are coming up, thereby, companies are often found themselves in a search of a perfect job candidate, who can fit rightly according to business requirements.

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However, the main problem is that once you list your company is hiring on job portals, you’ll be snowed under job applications in no time, ergo, it gets hard to find an exact match. By all means, applications of artificial intelligence can solve this conundrum.

Recently, LinkedIn presented ‘Recommended Matches’ feature, which suggests those candidates who can be the right fit. This significantly helps in candidate matching, which as a positive outcome, makes the life of HRs easier.

Besides easier recruiting, LinkedIn’s recommended matches feature offers job seekers great help, as they also see pertinent jobs on their profile.

4. Puts a full stop on biased hiring – extremely relevant

Biased hiring is what makes recruitment field ill-famed because rejecting a nimble employee over one you know as a friend or relative isn’t good by any means. Plus, a business also struggles when an average employee falls behind while working in a result-oriented environment.     

Thus, it is extremely important to pre-empt biased hiring. In doing this, applications of AI can lend a hand. Textio is a vivid example of this, as it helps to make a good hire. Many companies have come forward and embraced AI-driven hiring tools in the pursuance of a bias-free recruitment process.

Big names like Vodafone, Unilever, etc. appoint those candidates, who have scored good numbers in AI-based game designed by Pymetrics.

The future of AI in the recruitment field

Applications of artificial intelligence have done wonders where they have been used. There is a likelihood the future of AI in recruitment and talent acquisition is going to be brighter. Does that mean AI will wipe out the existence of human recruiters? No, AI was never meant to replace humans, however, it will properly take mundane jobs away from humans at some point in time.

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So, there is nothing to fear of artificial intelligence. Instead of fearing, if you imagine both human and artificial intelligence are working in a collaboration, you are likely to paint a picture of a bright future in your mind.

By means of this write-up, we have shown how AI is exterminating the obstacles occur during the recruitment process. And if you find it informative or want to give some suggestions regarding the same topic, you can tell us in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!

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Fredrick Carter
Fredrick Carter
November 6, 2019 12:31 pm

Although a promising field, such acts will soon carry legal repercussions. For instance, the Illinois General Assembly recently passed a statute to limit the use of artificial intelligence in hiring decisions made by employers. Among other things, the law requires prior consent from the applicants before being subjected to the screening procedures. Employers eager to use such systems should consult their lawyers beforehand, to avoid potential lawsuits.