AI as a Fair Judge: Revolution in the Justice System

May 09,2019 by Gauri Mishra

Any court case might take several months to arrive at a concrete decision; however, doing legal research with details is going to take just a few seconds if it is executed by a robot.

The rising technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enabled some unbelievable inventions for Judiciary system and has even provided a search tool which enables lawyers to browse via thousands of legal case records and in fact offers them the best predicted results in just few seconds.

Imagine the future of a judiciary system where a lawyer possess the detailed knowledge of legal matters which artificial intelligence will collect. This is an extremely impressive innovation which technology has brought to existence.

Daniel L. Chen, who is an experienced researcher at both the Toulouse School of Economics as well as University of Toulouse Faculty of Law, has arrived at a concept where Artificial Intelligence will be used to assist in rectifying the biased decisions of our human judges or judiciary systems.

Artificial Intelligence has brought the concept of machine learning in to our real world for predicting the judges’ decisions in legal cases. At present it appears like AI is capable of making an excellent prediction regarding how the judges are going to rule even when the case has not been opened, utilizing the data over the judge’s identity and the nationality of the judiciary system.

So, with time, as the application of artificial intelligence gets involved in the courtroom, law with Artificial Intelligence is going to be the talk of the town. Usually, judiciary system is not the expected place to look for innovation in technologies such as artificial intelligence, however, my article is going to change your mind.

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Whenever any non-tech sector confronts the latest technology, questions do arise about that technology affecting regular operations and the careers of employees who belong to that profession. And the judiciary system is no exception. Today, artificial intelligence in India is all set to revamp the legal systems in several ways, since in several cases, it increases the possibility of fair judgments while appearing in court.

How can we envisage the role of AI in the Judiciary System in the approaching decade?

  1. The idea of a Robotic Judge 

Recently, at Stanford University, a group of law scholars and computer science students have reported about their invention about the robotic judges. They have been researching about how AI will be a game-changer in the judiciary system. They are working on providing improvements to various administrative processes. They are designing an AI-powered robo-judge for the courtrooms in the coming decade. We can predict a time when AI-oriented lawyers will be narrating everything to robotic judges regarding the case and making unbiased and quick decisions. The promise of robotic judges will provide an unbiased approach. We can expect in accordance with statistics that an AI-powered system can be highly accurate in comparison to human decision-making systems.

  1. Fixing human failure

We can’t completely blame the judges for being intentionally partial. Communities have long been talking about corrupt systems, but in the end we must remember they are also humans as there are several factors which influence their decisions, although the innocent pays the price sometimes.

Artificial Intelligence is basically not the ultimate remedy to these kind of human failures. But yes, it can improve things, provided with some solid research.

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If we are utilizing AI in judiciary it doesn’t imply that all the jobs will be done by machines. The objective is to assist humans and the collaboration of technology and law should lead to successful results, contemplating judiciary matters as well as human experience.

3. A better and explained version of judge’s decisions

In the court, each and every action takes place behind the closed doors. Even the press and various stakeholders may not be involved.

In contrast, AI can reveal to the public that how the legal conversation and decisions are conducted, explaining why the judge has chosen that respective sentence for the suspect.

We can even say that AI has provided us something which we have been desiring for a long time: trust on the judicial system.

We can expect AI to perform these actions:

  • Oversight over justice structures;
  • Monitoring of the process;
  • Control of the judicial system.
  1. Research documents and legal cases

AI-driven software enhances the proficiency of analysis of various documents for legal matters. Artificial Intelligence will review those documents and relate them as suitable to a respective case. When that particular document is considered as suitable, AI-driven algorithms will work to discover other documents which are highly pertinent.

  1. Forecasting legal results

Artificial Intelligence algorithms have the potential of scrutinizing information to assist in making various predictions regarding the results of legal cases in comparison to the humans. Lawyers can ask the robots to forecast the future with some questions like “If we opt for a trial, what are the chances we can win?” or “Do I need to settle?” With the utilization of Artificial Intelligence, lawyers have the power to know about the outcomes of their cases before even appearing in the court.

  1. Automating divorce
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A proper divorce settlement can take almost a year or even more and will be highly expensive in various countries for respective families. Couples will outline their “optimum outcomes” and the Artificial Intelligence-powered machine will provide negotiation modules and every crucial decision which have to be made for the respective circumstances. In fact, legal professionals are also available to get AI to offer guidance where required.

The Final Word

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as machine learning is providing positive transformations to the judiciary and legal sector. Still, the role of proficiency driven solutions provided by Artificial Intelligence in regards with legal sector is still emerging under the legal industry.

If we talk about the justice system specially, Artificial Intelligence possesses the capability to totally impact the way criminal and civil proceedings are witnessed and even decided. However, there exist several questions regarding its ultimate application, and the need to contemplate the right consequences of utilizing the technology. 

On the whole, AI is working towards restoring society’s faith in justice. Our Judicial System has dire need of an Artificial Intelligence-driven revolution.

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