Popular Keyword Matching Tactics to boost your AdWords Campaigns

May 08,2019 by Shashvat Vats

What’s your ultimate goal as an online marketer – To drive business using adequately optimized Ad campaigns. Google Ads is one of the major part of the Digital Marketing Channels.

Then why everyone isn’t able to leverage the benefits Google AdWords offer?

One reason can be the inadequacy to slash out the noise and design a PPC strategy that actually pushes your brand towards profit.

If you are using AdWords for the first time, it may look mind-boggling and an arduous task to complete.

However, AdWords is nothing but a nozzle for your business that you can immediately switch on to drive new traffic to your website.  

But there is one problem.

Driving traffic is not your business’s bottom line – Generating revenue certainly is.

This seems quite simplistic right now but when you are actually running a campaign, the success rate may differ depending on how well you have optimized keywords.

Keywords – The crux of Ad campaigns

As an SEM expert, you want to set up your Ad campaigns in complete synchronization with your business requirement and target relevant keywords in a precise manner, right?

It all looks fantastic written in a sentence but how to do this in real?

The best of SEM and Online advertisers recommend blending the Ad Group theming and Modified Broad Keywords.

This helps you in designing a focused approach that ultimately provides A-Okay traffic in a jiffy and setting up a framework that tips you over and over by providing stronger sets of keywords.

Let’s take an in-depth dive into the amazing world of AdWords and see how Keyword matching can be done to push your Ad Campaigns in the right direction:

Appositeness matters

When talking about Google AdWords, the term relevancy means how your content is matched to what your potential customer is searching.

In the same line –

  • Keywords are the sentences, words, phrases, you think your audience might utilize to search, define, or inquire about your product/service.
  • Search terms are the sentences people actually look out for.
  • Your Ad will appear on the search result page.
  • Your landing page is the ultimate destination you want your audience to touch down as soon as the Ad is clicked.
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a)      Keywords pertinent for search queries

What makes your Ad appear to people who are looking for what you are offering?

The most elementary thing is to match keywords with what your target customers are typing in the search box.

To nail this perfectly, you have to bid on the term that is matching to your audience’s query.

This is so because as soon as someone seeks Google by typing a query, Google initiates a search using your keyword. If the bid is already done by you, Google will make your advertisement appear and vice versa.

So, what I recommend is to utilize Broad and Modified keywords to augment the likelihood of Google making sense of your keyword as a match to prospect’s query.

b)      Ads pertinent for keywords

The success of your Ads on Google is directly proportional to the inclusion of keywords.

As an SEM marketer, you should put in your efforts to match the wording of your ads with keywords in your ad groups.

Every part of your ad is accountable for weighing out the relevance. So, if you think that the headline alone is the measuring factor for relevance, you are making a blunder.

If you want to calculate the Ad rank, the output will depend on the following aspects:

  • Blend of bids
  • Ad style
  • Ad extensions
  • Quality Score
c)       The pertinence of landing pages to keywords

Suppose you are successful in reaching the relevant audience, now what?

If the prospects click on the link, they are going to land on the website page you want.

This means how your landing page is optimized matters, right?

It is paramount to see that the messages of your ad match with the content of your landing page.

This increases the conversion probability by instantly responding to the searcher’s expected results.

Broad Match Keywords

As the name suggests, broad match keywords are used by marketers to get a wider audience.

These keywords are named broad because they are being searched by a mass audience quite often.

This means these keywords are the most usual search phrases and sentences used by people while seeking some product or service on Google.

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The general public is typically not so precise while seeking something on Google, this indicates that most people end up scribbling the broad match keywords that offer them a wider myriad of results.

If you would contact a digital marketing company in India, you would know that they prefer broad match keywords while setting up the campaign owing to their competency to cover a wider audience.

Did you know that broad match keywords include variations of the main term, similar phrases, misspellings, plurals, and synonyms?

This is what empowers your campaign to target a colossal audience.

Utilization of broad match keywords in your ad campaign is one of the best methods to discover the most appropriate long-tail keywords and to drive a large number of users to your website.

However, there are some setbacks too. Since the matching is done on a wider scale, the traffic your website receives is more spread out.

Also, a few keywords used by you may not be relatable to the theme or subject of your website or blog. This may result in a dip in the Quality Score of the website.

Exact Match Keywords

This one is the contra of broad match keywords.

Exact match is the set of keywords that is dependent on the search queries that are identical to the last detail.

So, unlike broad match keywords that cover a vast array, exact match keywords only tap the specific search queries.

When the search query is matched with the exact keywords, the search engine/Google will drive the user to your website or ad or landing page.

Hence, it is one of the toughest keyword matches marketers try to accomplish while optimizing their ad campaigns.

On the other hand, the traffic that lands on your website through exact match keywords is much relevant and refined.

This doesn’t mean that the traffic will be high. In fact, if you want high traffic on your website through an ad campaign, using broad match keywords is much preferred.

However, if you wish to achieve higher traffic on your website through the exact match, you need to include a wider set of keywords to your campaign.

Talking about conversions, exact search has more probability of converting a visitor into a patron. So, low traffic is also able to generate revenue.

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Phrase Match Keywords

Running an ad campaign is a mixed attempt of adjustments and adaptations depending on user intents and keywords usage.

Phrase match is a mid-way solution for marketers who look to target keywords more than broad match but less converged than exact match.

So, phrase match keywords have the tendency to provide flexibility to the marketers looking to get more traffic for their websites.

As discussed, exact keywords are too hard to match and broad match are too spread out to have a higher conversion, so the phrase match is a feasible solution.

The traffic will be lower than what you could have achieved using broad match but more than what exact match would offer.

Negative Match Keywords

Google will give out results depending on what input you have given.

So, while you reluctantly try to optimize the keywords based on what you want to target, it is also important to focus on what you don’t want to search for.

Negative keywords are like a tool that is used to trim out the clutter from your ad campaign results.

These phrases and terms help your ads in not appearing for queries and search sentences that have absolutely nothing to do with your business.

For instance, if you are selling toothbrush, you don’t want to show up for queries looking for a hairbrush.

Generally speaking, negative match keywords are of three kinds:

  • Negative Broad Match
  • Negative Phrase Match
  • Negative Exact Match

All three kinds work in a similar manner as discussed above with just one exception; the targeting is done to avoid showing ad results for focused phrases and terms.

Final Statement

Remember, there isn’t a perfect way to optimize your keyword. For each way, there are pros and cons.

However, if optimized, both in accordance with your business objective and in terms of your audience’s demographic and search intent, the results may be less hampering.

Broad match, exact match, phrase match are the keyword types that you generally take care while setting up the ad campaign. Follow the above tips and set up your campaign accordingly.

Do not forget the negative keywords.

For more queries, reach us in the comment section. Thanks!

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Anna Kieu
Anna Kieu
May 29, 2019 1:58 pm

This post is helpful with an analysis I am doing for a specific group of people. Do you have any other articles to suggest on this topic? Thanks