Are Robots Joining Healthcare Forces?

Jul 30,2019 by Gauri Mishra
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We are presently standing at a consequential turning point in the world of robotics. We are at the pinnacle of a tremendous shift where we will meet robots at every point and experience the transformation in our regular lives. We can notice that latest discoveries are consistently made which direct us ineluctably towards a future where more than half of the work is performed by robots. This might come from small laboratory-driven robots to extremely complicated surgical robots which will either facilitate a human surgeon or implement surgeries on their own. Furthermore, they are utilized in hospitals and various laboratories for several tasks such as physical therapy, rehabilitation and for those who need assistance with some long-term conditions. 

Robotic medical assistants observe patient essential statistics and notify the nurses if there is any requirement for a human presence in the ward, enabling nurses to observe multiple patients at one time. Such robotic assistants even enter the data into the patient’s digital health record. Robots are even facilitating in surgery, enabling doctors to perform surgery via a tiny incision rather than an inches-long incision. Application of artificial intelligence in India is creating a huge influence in various spheres of medicine.

Although rising opportunities are rare to knock up without any heavy investment, artificial intelligence is a cost-effective tool engine for healthcare. If we talk about workforces and employment, this sphere has been rapidly transforming with time and is going to consistently emerge to build on the suitable utilization of amalgamation of humans and AI. Artificial Intelligence possesses the power to mitigate the burden on doctors and provide them the appropriate equipment to cope with their tough jobs in a better manner.

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AI is no longer a science fiction as robots have arrived in the big picture. Let us see the recent AI healthcare innovations which are revolutionizing the sector.

1. daVinci

Let us start with probably the most prevalent of AI robots for Robot Assisted Surgery.

This is basically a machine which obliterates the line between “robot” and “medical equipment”. The system is usually within the complete management of the surgeon, though the enhancements it is emboldening are phenomenal.

With the daVinci system, operations will be performed with only some small incisions and greater accuracy that result in minimized bleeding, quicker healing, and a decreased threat of infection.

2. Actuated and sensory prostheses

Recently scientists at the MIT Bio mechatronics lab have built rotationally activated robotic limbs which have the potential of tracking the position in 3-D space and moving their joints in an upward direction at about 750 times per second.

Moreover, they have invented bionic skins as well as neural implant systems which connect with the nervous system enabling the customer to get the appropriate feedback from the prosthetic.

3. Endoscopy-Bot

An endoscopy is a very uncomfortable and delicate procedure where a tiny camera or say a tool with an elongated wire is passed into the body to a find out any damage, or foreign objects, or any signs disease. AI has given slender and flexible mini robo-cameras here to discover the exact location which doctor requires.

AI has even provided “capsule endoscopies” where the patient swallows a pill-sized robot which travels via their digestive tract collecting information and capturing pictures which are sent straight to a processor for diagnosing the issue.

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4. Disinfectant bots

The infelicitous truth is that the premises of hospitals are highly dirty places. And thus they might become a ground for few of the worst bacteria spreading around.

Which is why it is extremely significant that hospital rooms must be clean, and why we should leave that for humans when robots are there to do that job? Modern disinfecting robots walk on their own in patients’ wards, which are showered with UV rays for multiple minutes until no microorganism is probably alive.

5. Robotic nurses

Nurses are usually over-worked and so robotic nurses have arrived in the picture. There are robots which might do digital paperwork, estimations of vital signs and observe a patient’s state. Robots are hence performing the work of nurses at a basic level.

6. Robotic Assisted Biopsy

This is an astonishing and basically a life-saving enhancement move by a project called MURAB (MRI and Ultrasound Robotic Assisted Biopsy.)

It is medically a technique for detecting early signs of cancer where a robotically controlled transducer is diverted to a biopsy site with a help of MRI/Ultrasound combination technique.

It even scans the area to attain complete information on it and then a surgeon will pick from a 3D image build exactly where the biopsy is needed to be done. Later, the robot comes out from the same way it got in.

7. AI epidemiology

Robots are excellent at noticing patterns and creating predictions from information and that is why epidemiology has been a logical target for our AI-driven system.

Such body-less robots scrutinize the info on disease from the doctors and various references with the given medical databases to estimate about the outbreak taking place and to stop it from spreading.

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However several objects are involved in this area, one of them is AIME system that has got deployed against signs of dengue fever in Malaysia few months ago with about 85% rate of prediction, saving millions of lives as well as dollars.

8. Antibacterial nanorobots

Antibacterial nanorobots are small machines which are developed from gold nanowires and painted with platelets as well as red blood cells which might even remove bacterial infections straight from a patient’s blood. They carry out this procedure by simply copying a bacterium target, then capturing them in the nanowire mesh once the bacteria is close. They are also passed via a patient’s body with some ultrasounds to accelerate the clearance procedure and to do the treatment of various infections. Nanorobots are utilized in place of several antibiotics that will have a great influence in our battle against the rising antibiotic-resistant diseases.

Collecting all the thoughts

This is going to be the monumental leap in the consolidation of man and machine, and a big source of promising service for millions of patients. Artificial Intelligence will facilitate hospitals in taking a broad and comprehensive approach for all the disease management, coordinating plans and facilitating patients to suitably handle even long-term patient treatment programs.

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