The Great Bot Battle: AI Chatbots vs. Human Powered Live Chat

Mar 01,2019 by Gauri Mishra


Have you ever experienced a scenario where you got annoyed for receiving an immediate solution to the concerned query, though you didn’t received? Yes, it’s truly very disappointing. Your call might be put on hold as the human agents might be attending to other customers. Thus, you might choose other brands or opt for sending several emails and hoping for a revert, which normally takes a minimum of 48 hours.  Because of these niggles, the battle of Human Powered Live Chat and Artificial Chatbots is attaining momentum. And there exists a valid reason for it. Various businesses are consistently discovering groundbreaking ways to enhance their client experience as they look out for solutions to the issues in real time.

Some of the customers go for live chat, whereas others opt for an artificial chatbot. However, the purpose stays the same: advancing client service. Human Powered Live Chat is a remarkable technology only if it is implemented smartly. Anticipating the future of client servicing, there exists no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ultimate next big thing and will optimize the method of business interaction and engagement with clients. In the future of the international chatbot market, about 5/10 of end customers will opt for chatbots as a primary medium of interaction for client servicing.

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As the technology is innovative, it doesn’t mean we should abandon the human touch of building emotional interfaces with our potential users. When we talk about winning the game, consider these questions. Are chatbots able to build human emotions? Are chatbots able to create trust based client-relationships? Can machines ever prevail over live chat when it comes to client expectations? Does the advancement of chatbots imply the decline of human-powered Live Chat and will it prove a game changing trend to win the client service experience within the foreseeable future? 

The Case for Chatbots: Features Where a Chatbot wins Over Human Powered Live Chat

1. Availability

Several businesses need to provide 24/7/365 assistance. This implies that they have to rent support agents who are able to work in defined shifts, or promise to provide offline assistance through email if no agents are active. This is the point where a chatbot beats live chat. A chatbot can remain online 24/7, 12 months a year. Users worldwide will have a connection with the chatbots anytime and receive an immediate response.

2. No Human Intervention Needed

When the chatbot will chat for any defined length of time, at any point of hour of the day and not require any facilitation from a human agent, businesses can cut down on support prices. The time and money saved permits customers to utilize their agents for different support channels such as phone or email. Even humans are exhausted by giving answers to repeated queries, unlike the bots which are happy to manage similar queries again and again.

3. The Ability to Multitask

As compared to human agents, chatbots can manage an infinite variety of chats at the same time. Imagine if an agent had to assist fifty customers simultaneously, and he has got only a single live chat operator available. Eventually, customers will have countless discontented clients who are disinterested in being on hold and are most likely considering a switch to the other brand or competitor.

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4. A Faster Response Time

It’s easy, chatbots reply very rapidly to incoming chat request in comparison to chat agents. An agent might be busy managing alternative chats and might delay their response. Chatbots don’t carry that drawback. As clients receive real-time attention and solutions to their issues, chatbots facilitation enhances the client experience.

5. The Ability to respond in several Languages

What if the customer is in foreign lands on international business? It might be complicated (and costly) to rent various chat agents for each and every language which the users speak. Chatbots, though, maybe developed to communicate with their users in multiple languages.

6. Cost-Effective

With various businesses spending about $1.3 trillion over 265 billion client service requests every year, chatbots will probably facilitate them and save on client service prices by dashing resolution times, liberating agents for tougher tasks and responding to about 8/10 routine queries.
All of this may facilitate businesses in scaling back client service prices by approximately 30 percent.

The Case for Live Chat: Features Where Live Chat Wins Over a Chatbot

Chatbots are basically not the most absolute client service tool. They do come with various disadvantages of their own.

1. Chatbots Are Best Suited to Solve Easy Tier 1 Questions

A drawback of a pre-developed AI chatbot is its incapability to adapt to a tough scenario where a client might need a splendid solution to a unique problem.

For a chatbot to be truly remarkable, the query has to be in a particular context and easy. Without machine learning, the flexibility of a chatbot to solve an issue outside of the pre-existing scope is limited.

2. Chatbots Lack of Empathy

Let’s confront it, communicating with a bot can get annoying sometimes. With chatbots, an important component is usually missing from the chat, which is the human touch. There exist times where users require a user service agent to understand them, assisting them to solve a frustrating scenario. If in case, chatbots fail to completely apprehend and address clients requirements, it might provide the image that their brand is cold and dispassionate.

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3. Spelling and Other Errors Can Throw a Chatbot Off

Chatbots reply to keywords and are very sensitive to spelling. A user who makes spelling mistakes might confuse the chatbot and put it into trouble. Human agents will discover the issues, irrespective of any spelling mistake, by comprehending and adapting to that context.

TAKEAWAYS- The Human Touch Vs. the Artificial Touch

A human-powered live chat is splendid, especially if customers have the correct resources to manage it. Considering the capability of Chatbots powered by AI, the future of artificial chatbot seems remarkable.

Human supported live chat is still a very powerful customer service tool. Chatbots are only there to assist human agents to serve customers faster, save time and money.

No doubt, these AI Chatbots will be enhanced in the foreseeable future and are going to have a pivotal role in client servicing. But that doesn’t mean the role of human agents is going to get entirely removed. The live chat is a very robust client service tool.

The futuristic and client-driven industries will succeed in discovering the right blend of AI and human support agents, utilizing each of them to their best potential. Basically, artificial chatbots must be utilized to facilitate client support agents, but not replace them.

Proficiency, speed, and precision are significant in client service. And so is the human touch. Remarkable client service is somewhat personal as well as anticipatory, it is personalized and tailored according to the customers and their situations. And Chatbots can’t perform that…yet! In the current world, client problems need a real human to take control and provide a solution.

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Justin Cross
March 15, 2019 3:14 pm

Live chat is generally going to be better than Chat Bots for customer service, for the time being at least – although that does depend on the knowledge of the human service agents and the other systems that are supporting them. (Even ignorant humans can at least have an intelligent conversation and provide some level of sympathy and assistance to progress a customer’s issue.) Service agents can typically only handle 2 or 3 simultaneous conversations, and it is better not to offer live assistance when the capacity isn’t there to handle it properly. Chat bots as you say can be… Read more »

Siya Carla
March 20, 2019 11:30 am

Today, Chatbots can effectively communicate with humans. As AI and machine learning are advancing, chatbots are increasingly becoming powerful, which can communicate with multiple customers at a time. This means high availability and reduced cost.

June 28, 2019 11:54 am

AI has a strong impact on our life, today it is bigger than ever before. But now a day AI powered HR Automation in workplaces. HR chatbots act as a help desk

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Digital Marketing Course in Delhi
July 16, 2019 2:27 pm

Thanks for sharing such a helpful blog so informative thank you very much for sharing and keep posting

Pawan Pandey
Pawan Pandey
September 5, 2019 2:05 pm

Chatbots built on the Engati platform reply almost instantly and engage the customers from the first interaction. Also, unlike human agents that can handle 4 to 6 chat conversations at a time, chatbots engagement is scalable. Also, when you decide to provide 24*7 assistance, chatbots are the most economical option.

September 9, 2019 12:51 pm

Nice information on chatsbots. Thanks for sharing such a nice blog.