The Perks of Outsourcing Corporate Video Production

Jul 30,2019 by Prachi Priya

Outsourcing is always considered a service for BPO companies. However, it serves a much larger aspect. With changes in business requirements and increasing market needs, the upcoming tenure is said to bring a rise in freelance and independent outsourcing.

The trend of outsourcing is increasing repeatedly and businesses seem to be choosing customer support outsourcing services willingly, knowing the perquisites it offers. The market requirement is changing day by day and this demands strategies to combat risks and attain business success.

Outsourcing helps by freeing the in-house staff from repetitive tasks to work on core business functions.

Outsourcing saves your business expense, time and offers experienced agents to perform all activities. Therefore, with all these benefits, it is the best for businesses. So, why would a person consider in-house operations when outsourcing offers so many perquisites?

Talking about outsourcing the corporate video production function, many people have this query saying, “Why to outsource video production?”

Well, outsourcing can be for a variety of business-related activities and video production outsourcing is one among them. Video production is the process of generating video content for viewers/customers.

Video production has three phases:

  • Pre-production
  • Production
  • Post-production

Videos can automatically inspire people and can influence them to take the business service and this is why corporates use videos to reach their customers. Since videos play such a significant role in business development, the best source (either in-house or outsourced) needs to lead the charge!

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Whether it’s about advertising a business product or delivering a corporate message, videos are quite impactful. If a business produces a video with quality content, the audience will love its portrayal bringing brand recognition to the organization. The content in the video has to be influencing enough to encourage the customers to take the business service.

This is why companies today want an outsourced agent to look after the video production function as an outsourced agent have years of experience of working on different projects and they have higher possibility to produce a user-centric and catchy video.

You must be sceptical as to why outsourcing?

Well, this is because huge market demand and increasing requirements of customers require perfect results.

Thus, to beat the competition and get outstanding results for video production, companies need to take outsourced services as it is better in all ways than in-house production.

Moreover, outsourced agents have the skill to solve all queries without any hassle, which acts as an added advantage for companies to choose outsourced services.

To help you further understand why outsourced video production is the best choice, here we list some perquisites that outsourcing offers:

The initial capital expenditure is no more an issue

Start-ups struggle delivering quality service amid tight budgets. Many companies have tried to build their own video production team to control the business functions and equipment, but budget concerns have always been a roadblock in making progress.

The issue that arises is – not all companies have the feasibility to buy expensive equipment every time, which is why outsourcing helps.

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Since outsourcing makes available the most expensive equipment at work without the issue of capital investment, it is thus the best medium to opt for to bring success.

No payment for downtime

There are times when businesses have to pay employees even when there is no work. Companies know it’s a waste of money, but hiring in-house means you abide to pay your employees every month.

 However, by outsourcing, you do not have to be restricted to pay monthly, since payment is done depending on the work completed.

Outsourcing follows the principle of pay for what you get and thus saves your business from many unnecessary obligations.

A bigger and experienced team

Corporate video production requires a huge skilled team at work to decide the content and video format. Since video plays a crucial role in influencing the customers towards the business service, it has to be perfect.

Further, when an expert team that is aware of the market trends and demands produces the business video, it certainly has the best potential to meet the audience’s need and build the business brand image.

Lastly, companies today want an outsourcing partner just because the in-house team is expensive and less experienced to bring adequate results as the outsourced partner.

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Access to a professional studio

Companies that work on video production extensively own or rent a fully functional production studio. Since outsourcing can provide pre-set lighting systems, “green walls” for digital backgrounds and graphics, companies do not want in-house service as it is very expensive and also does not deliver the same results as the outsourced team of experts.

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Access to necessary tools and knowledge

There are companies that buy graphics/editing software to help the business augment their videos and stretch the production capability. However, the problem arises when the in-house agents fail to access the technology dues to lack of knowledge about the tricks to use.

Outsourcing companies not only have the necessary tools available but also have skilled agents with deep knowledge of using the same. Thus, outsourcing is a better option.

Moreover, in most corporate offices, video production is said to be expensive. With market innovation, companies find it hard to find new tools and upgrading the same becomes a lengthy process. This is where outsourcing helps as it brings all up-to-date technologies to the business use and that too within budget.

Getting non-local shots becomes easier

Unless your business has a travel budget and a team to go for the same, it is really hard to collect some exquisite shots.

However, by outsourcing, your business chooses an affordable budget with a cost-prohibitive measure to receive video footage from the client locations.

No matter whatever footage you need for your business advertisement, your outsourced partner has the potential to make it available for video production anytime and anywhere.

Thanks for reading!

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Thomas Peterson
Thomas Peterson
August 2, 2019 11:11 pm

I like that you mentioned that outsourcing with a video production company can help you save on business expenses. I have been trying to help my brother market and grow his brand. Maybe outsourcing for video will help him get a push he needs to get more clients.

Taylor Bishop
Taylor Bishop
August 20, 2019 10:15 pm

Thanks for explaining why it could be good to outsource video production. It’s nice to know that this can ensure you get an expert team that knows the current market trends. This also seems helpful if they understand what would help get the videos noticed by others.

Damian Smith
Damian Smith
August 30, 2019 12:12 pm

Thanks for mentioning how pre-production starts in video production the moment the script is being written. My dad wants to create a few ads to get the word out on his custom t-shirt business, and he wants ads that are going to be creative. I’ll suggest he find a video production company to help him with elements like writing the script and storyboards before moving on to production and post-production.