Why are Dapps the Future of Decentralization?

Oct 14,2019 by Admin

Decentralization is the brand new future of app development as it seems from the heavily growing talks in the software world. It all started with Bitcoin when a new approach to build decentralized software came to the fore, paving a way to deal with some of the major problems of today’s software world and give users what they expected when the Internet was invented. The new approach we are talking about is now widely known as Blockchain and it is used to build Decentralized Apps (Dapps). To put it downright simple, Blockchain is to Dapps what the Internet is to Email.

Dapps are now highly touted as a perfect candidate to render traditional apps obsolete. Below are listed some of the major issues with the centralized system that Dapps counteract against:

No hundred percent transparency guaranteed

  • single point of failure
  • Hack threats loom forever
  • Complete control in the hands of a central power

Now, let’s get straight into what Dapps are and why they are set to bring a paradigm shift in the software app development world.

While there is no single definition that has been given to Dapps, the extract largely gives below-mentioned parameters for an app to qualify as a Dapp:

  • Open Source

A Dapp’s source code must be open source and visible to all. There is no single authority that controls a Dapp as its source code is shared to all the users, allowing anyone to contribute. Besides, all Dapp users know the activities taking place on the network and have a say in decisions to be taken on making a change.

  • Decentralized
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Since blockchain technology is the backbone of Dapps, a peer-to-peer network exists to store data on multiple machines instead of a central point. Each computer on a distributed network has a cryptographically protected copy of the application’s data and records of operation, therefore there is never a single point of failure. 

  • Cryptographic Tokens

Cryptographic tokens are an integral part of blockchain-based Dapps. A Dapp must issue cryptographic tokens native to its blockchain system as a means of providing access to the application. Besides, the application’s tokens must also be used to reward miners and acknowledge their contribution of value.   

  • Consensus

A Dapp must have a cryptographic algorithm as proof of value to get a consensus from the application’s community. For example, Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently using Proof of Work as proof of value.     

Now that we know what a Dapp at its core is, let’s move on to the benefits it offers over centralized apps. Software Development Companies in India are equipped with the best resources and talent to help you build your Dapp the way you want.

The Benefits of Dapps:

  • Zero reliance on third parties

One of the top benefits of Dapps is that they allow sellers and buyers to connect directly, without any middlemen involved. Thus, Dapps cut the cost and time to be spent on availing third party services. 

  • Censorship free

Dapps can be trusted fully as they don’t have a single authority controlling a public network. Since transactions are visible to all, anyone can verify them, which makes Dapps highly transparent. Dapps always allow users to check any record or status anytime.

  • No Security Threat
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With Dapps, no one can manipulate your data or sell it, which are the serious concerns of today’s digital world. Besides, no one can ban you or take the application down as a Dapp doesn’t have a central server, but a network spread across multiple nodes.  For a hacker to hack all the nodes is possible only if pigs could fly. 

  • 100% Uptime

The bigger becomes the size of a blockchain network, the better becomes the speed and performance of the Dapp. Which is in contrast to centralized applications that often face speed and performance issues with the increasing size of the network. Dapps have 100% uptime as data copies are available on multiple machines, so if one point fails, other nodes ensure a speedy recovery and no data losses. As the number of machines increases with more users, a Dapp becomes even stronger, more secure and more responsive. 

  • Outages and Server Crashes become the thing of the past

When we say no central server, we also mean high fault-tolerance. Server crashes and power outages cause downtime when an app is wholly reliant on a single data centre. A Dapp is powered by multiple nodes, so a physical malfunction at one point doesn’t affect others, keeping the app up and running at all times. 


Every groundbreaking technology takes some time before it gets into the mainstream. The same could be applied to Dapps as it is coming out of infancy to quickly become the next big thing of the digital world. Ethereum has already made it possible for developers to build blockchain-based decentralized apps on its platform. Change is the only constant in the software world and Dapps are perhaps one of the best and long-awaited changes the whole Internet community is now hoping for.

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Alice Jenifferze
May 2, 2020 3:04 pm

Great article! thanks for sharing it!