How Video Conferencing Platforms Are Powering The Virtual Quotient Of The Organization

May 11,2020 by Anushka Agarwal

Globalization of businesses has changed our working demeanor.  It is normal for organizations to have team members spread out in different locations of the map.

As much as the flexible in-house work environment positively impacts the productivity of businesses, remote working environment holds significant benefits too.

If your organization is international, in-person communication is a tedious task.

In such situations, video conferencing turns out to be a preferred mode of communication.

Video calling isn’t such a new tech; it has been around for quite some time now. However, the idea of video communication has achieved a domineering status in light of the current events.

Several surveys have claimed the potential and power of video communication and such network infrastructures. These statistics state:

  • 98% of people state the video conferencing helps with relationship building inside and outside the company.
  • 94% of businesses say video conferencing increases productivity.
  • 90% of respondents believe that video makes it easy to get your point across.
  • 89 people believe that video conferencing reduces the time to complete projects or tasks.
  • 89% of users say that video conferencing makes them feel more connected.

Such numbers let’s one wonder, does video conferencing actually make us more connected and productive?

Technology has truly mastered the art of humane conversations.

Video conferencing lets you feel non-verbal communication parameters, like eye contact, body language, whispered sidebars, and other emotions, which are difficult to be predicted by voice-only communication.

Video conferencing has provided an edge to our communication channels. Just like emails transformed the business arenas, the same is the fate of video conferencing. Reasons like easy-of-use, security, reliability, and hassle-free connections place video conferencing in the sweet spot of every organization.

Workplace Video Communication Is Finally Gaining Traction

In the last two decades, video communication tools and techniques have become quite handy and convenient.  

Several changes around the world have led people to change their minds about video communication.

However, the uprising status of video conferencing was not the same before.

It started with cameras in phones, then instant posting on YouTube, going live on camera, and then connecting several people on a video call.

When talking about corporate management, the cost of communication through videos are much lower than travel bills. Now, you can talk at your own convenient space, connects to your peers outstate, discuss issues, and find a solution, all through video conferencing platforms.

Furthermore, working remotely, in times of the global pandemic, has become easy for both workers and employers, thanks to video conferencing.

Will there will anyone, not competent enough to work from home in the future?

The answer is, No. Video communication has become an integral channel for organizations, and its adoption will only increase in the coming years.

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Therefore, video conferencing is no longer a perk but an essential platform for organizations.

During the times of the Covid-19 outbreak, the video conferencing market is gained widespread prominence. With the world taking a break from stepping outside, video conferencing is the only option to run operations and businesses. It is the only way for enterprises and government organizations to connect with remote workers, customers, and employees and, at the same time, prevent direct contact from people.

It will be right to say that coronavirus pandemic has impacted the video conferencing market, rather positively.

The ban on travel has limited the reach of several enterprises in the foreign market, therefore, increasing the adoption of video conferencing platforms.

Workplaces are no longer limited to small cubicles, but are readily being transformed by video conferencing, for a comfortable and convenient working environment.

Video Conferencing For Business Is A Commonplace Now

Video conferencing will fundamentally change the way people conduct conferences, meetings, and online classes around the globe.

Let’s suppose you live in LA, but you want to connect with a supplier in Africa. Instead of, travelling to the country, all you have to do is, connect with them through a video conferencing platform. Your job will be done in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, video conferencing helps in saving time, energy, resources, and money.

As employees discover more about the benefits of video conferencing, it’s demand for business will grow.

 The rising standard of video conferencing for business can be understood from the fact, its adoption has increased by 800% over the last four years.

Speaking about employee expectations, how will it affect the productivity of remote workers?

Well, 50% of employees around the world work remotely at least one day a week.

Employees find remote working environment more hostile and satisfactory when compared to in-house atmosphere. Working remotely also enhances their productivity, in turn, improving sales and revenue quotient of organizations.

The Top Video Conferencing Benefits For Your Business

There has been a sudden rise in the adoption of video conferencing, mainly due to internationalization of businesses.

Video conferencing platforms offer a more engaging, totally efficient, superior communication channel that keeps your dispersed teams connected and aligned, and gets all your tasks done.

Video conferencing adds a personalized touch, thus, building trust and a stronger relationship.

The following are the top video conferencing benefits and the ways modern businesses are using this easy communication tools to transform their operations.

  1. Power a digital workforce

Video conferencing apps and software create a collaborative meeting culture for your organization. In the age of digitalization and globalization, video conferencing form a prominent part. Video meetings help teams in maintaining human connections, no matter their location. It helps in better decision making and improves your ability to work will all your peers, globally.

  1. Simplifies management and usability

Video conferencing is better than audio communication since it offers prospects like screen sharing, real-time messaging, unlimited session time, and infinite people connected together. Businesses, no longer, have to rely on too many solutions. Video conferencing for business offers a common online meeting solution with a simple UI and manages it properly. It simplifies the connection process, making video conferencing a handy platform for users.

  1. Offers communication and culture

Today’s workforce isn’t anything like before. It works on mobility, flexibility, and modern forms of communication over a private working environment. Bringing remote workers face-to-face not only boosts productivity, but lower travel costs too.

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In the long run, comparing video conferencing with travel costs places the former as the true winner. Irrespective of whether your company is built on remote employees or dispersed globally, video conferencing for business offers a true human connection, face-to-face in every interaction.

  1. Emphasizes communication reliability

Video conferencing tools like Googl Meet, Skype, etc., offers a fast and secure way to have a clear and precise conversation with your teams. Since it is highly secure and easy-to-use, any number of people, no matter their technical background, can connect to it.

  1. It improves value and redundancy

Companies are always looking to add value to their processes and video conferencing offers that benefit and leverage to them. The top video conferencing platforms include features like audio tools, screen sharing, chats, meeting records, and event live streaming options. The total cost of using the app is far less than risking audio calls and investing in travel tickets.

  1. No need to travel

Travelling takes a lot of time and money as well. With video conferencing for business, you can organize and hold a meeting with participants from remote places all around the world. The only necessary equipment you need is a stable internet connection and your laptop/desktop.

  1. A perfect way of telecommuting

Video conferencing is an essential tool for teleworking or telecommuting when working away from the office. If all your workers are remotely working, then the only way to curb the lack of interaction within the workforce is through an apt video conferencing platform.

  1. Organize meetings independent of time

Online meetings are free from any travel expenses and restrictions. So, they can be organized more often. This allows a business to move around the world several times a day without any hassle. Participants can also attend these meetings easily and freely, in such a way that everyone can find time for it in their busy schedule.

The Top Video Conferencing Platforms For Business

The following top video conferencing apps and software available for free video communication with other teammates.

  1. Google Hangouts

Google currently has a free version of Hangouts available for its users. However, the free version wasn’t offering much of the enterprise-level tools that modern businesses need and demand. Luckily, Google announced that it will be rolling out its free access to advanced features for Hangouts Meet for all G Suite and education customers until the first day of July.

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Google Hangouts allows you to host meetings with up to 10,000 viewers or 250 visitors on a single domain, for free. The new rollout was meant to help teams connect together easily and more often. Google Meet is an advanced version of Google Hangouts.

  1. Microsoft Teams

In 2018, when a new version of Microsoft was announced for smaller companies, employees were thrilled. In the wake of the global pandemic, the demand for video conferencing platforms has reached a multitude level. Therefore, to help companies connect better through video conferencing and remote working, Microsoft is offering a free six-month trial for the premium tier of teams.

The free version was released to allow employees to work remotely and prevent workforces from suffering from the lack of proper communication channels. The free-trial was first announced in China. However, as the pandemic spread globally, Microsoft made their free-trial available to everyone around the globe.

  1. Zoom

Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing solutions for businesses. It is packed with mind-blowing features and supports businesses of all sizes and needs. For an enterprise-level plan, it can include up to 200 meeting participants, unlimited cloud storage, custom emails, a vanity meeting URL, and many more.

Since the outbreak, Zoom as witnessed a massive increase in its usage, bringing more active users than ever before. However, there have been many issues related to its security and data policy leading to a decrease in its popularity levels.

  1. Cisco WebEx

For organizations that have to handle a large number of team members or an exceptionally large enterprise, Cisco WebEx is the right type of video conferencing platform. It operates like a mash-up of web conferencing and voice calling services. Members can join meetings online via phone, laptop, desktop, PC, etc. The plans vary depending an enterprises’ size and need.

Make Your Workspace Future-Ready With The Right Video Conferencing Platform

It is quite prevalent that the way we meet and collaborate with clients, customers, and employees’ is dramatically changing. Workspaces are no more about rectangular rooms, bad lighting, and multiple peers at the same location. It has gone digital and global.

Workplaces are completely different these days and adding common denominators like better technology, effortless integration, and unified communications strategy has accelerated their potential and recognition in the market.

In such times, video conferencing for business platforms is an emerging trend for better workspace productivity, something that organizations will have to add in their expenses, coming future. It is easy, convenient, and secure.

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