React Native- Pros and Cons By Android App Development Company

Jan 24,2022 by Raghav Bansal

What is React Native?

Facebook engineers made React Native in 2015. It permits you to accelerate the cycle of making versatile applications and lessen the expenses of their creation. It’s a system that assists with making cross-stage applications for Android and iOS platforms.

By keeping in touch with one code in Javascript (as indicated by the StackOverflow overview, as of now the most well-known programming language), our android mobile app development company can make different Android applications. After building the application, we get a similar record as though we have utilised the local language of the stage.

Pros of React Native

What are the advantages of utilising React Native? The choice to make a versatile application utilising the React Native cross-platform framework accompanies various benefits. Below I present the most fascinating experts of utilising React Native (as I would like to think).

Speeds up the Android Application Development Process

The principal benefit of React Native is the capacity to make applications for two stages utilising one code. So while chipping away at a given capacity/update, an Android mobile app development company can quickly develop for every mobile platform. For an item delivered on the two stages, this can save you time and cash by up to 30%.

It’s worth focusing on that gratitude to the local area backing and React Native’s extensibility, the rundown of upheld stages is developing. Based on the requirement, the android app development company simply needs to introduce extra libraries.

Lower Cost of Android Application Development

The normal source code permits you to build the application with one development team acquainted with Javascript. This altogether adds to the decrease of android mobile app development costs. Despite the native development, you can affect fewer individuals in the task. This is because there is no compelling reason to “copy” groups per platform.

Having one group and one programming language likewise permits disposing of issues when something upsets the development between platforms. For example because of challenges in execution on a given stage or arbitrary factors, for example, a software engineer’s wiped out leave in one group).

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This prompts a circumstance where the application for one platform is prepared, while the other one requires extra work. Typically, it’s outside the realm of possibilities for engineers to switch between stages when native languages are used. On account of React Native application development, there are no such circumstances – so there’s no downtime, and you can plan the teamwork ideally.

Guarantees Stable Development of the Application

One of React Native’s experts is that RN shares its arrangement of parts that “know” how to show the application on a given platform. Thanks to this abstraction, React Native permits the engineer to focus on developing the application without delving into the details of the platform. So considering that the method involved with building application highlights is more steady and impervious to errors between stages than in discrete local teams. This considers better preparation of application releases with new highlights/upgrades.

Rich Environment

The fact is that React Native is based on Javascript, it approaches a wide scope of libraries and tools that work with engineers’ work and speed up the product development process.

At the hour of writing this article, the library storehouse for Javascript npm returns 29,352 outcomes in the wake of composing the expression “respond local,” while the corresponding package internet searcher for Flutter returns just 12,900 outcomes for libraries supporting this framework. This implies that the decision of outsider libraries for Flutter is 44% more modest than React Native.

It’s worth focusing on the fact that we analyse the exploration for libraries precisely for cross-platform programming, barring those that are universal enough that they can be utilised for both mobile and web projects. The quantity of accessible libraries doesn’t consistently convert into their quality. In any case, it shows the community obligation to create tools for the React Native framework.

One more part of expanding admittance to libraries and tools is putting together React Native concerning how ReactJS functions. ReactJS is quite possibly the most well-known web development framework. With its typical system, numerous libraries for ReactJs likewise work for React Native.

The most well-known instruments supporting the process of creating portable applications that likewise support React Native are, for instance:


A stage supporting the course of programmed testing, constructing, and delivering another adaptation of the application.


A stage that thoroughly upholds the development cycle – permits you to test, fabricate, and discharge another application. It likewise assists with imparting application forms to the experimental group. Furthermore, it upholds bug detailing (gathering data about the reason for a blunder in the application) to furnish engineers with the essential data for fixing it.


A stage devoted to gathering and showing bug reports that give the fundamental data to its maintenance.

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A stage that gathers and shows bug reports to give the important data to its maintenance.


A system taking into account more straightforward joining with AWS administrations, incl. verification, information recovery from API, saving/understanding records, and warning help.

Cons of React Native

What difficulties do designers and application owners look at with React Native? The utilisation of React Native, in addition to its undoubted benefits, likewise accompanies a few hindrances and difficulties. You should consider them while picking this innovation for your application. We should plunge into the disadvantages of React Native: –

Not a Native Solution

As we referenced previously, React Native is a cross-platform innovation in light of JavaScript. To make this conceivable, the authors of the system needed to make correspondence tools between the local world and Javascript. Therefore, an application written in React Native may be slower contrasted with local applications and occupy more room than its local partner.

Significantly, the performance issue can emerge in applications with high dynamism, in which there are continuous/huge changes on the screen, such as activity games. Facebook engineers have bent over backwards to guarantee that applications written in React Native render at 60 frames each second (as per the material norm), giving the client a native experience.

Difficult to Troubleshoot

React Native is constructed utilising Javascript, Objective-C, Java, and C/C ++. This makes troubleshooting bugs more troublesome. It might require essential information on the local language of the stage – React Native continually imparts between the local climate and the string wherein the Javascript code is executed.

To further investigate the process, the React Native community and engineers have empowered coordination with Flipper since rendition 0.62. It gives numerous valuable tools in the investigating system – bug report, log see, local information base, and execution overseer. Since adaptation 0.63, they have presented a refreshed error and warning module.

Testing is Difficult

One of React Native’s cons is that the utilisation of cross-stage technology presents two new potential error gatherings.

The first is connected with how the application speaks with local parts and terrible code that causes errors on every stage. Respond Native makes an interpretation of JavaScript parts into their local equivalents and gives the capacity to uninhibitedly impart between them (e.g., a local button informs the JavaScript code that the client has squeezed it so it can respond accurately. Thus, you should test a React Native application significantly more completely. There might be bugs and edge cases in the parts given by the framework.

Simultaneously, it is worth highlighting that React Native is a developed framework. It is effectively utilised by numerous Facebook products, just as numerous different organisations and a huge community. With it, we can be certain that React Native is sans blunder.

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Alternatives to React Native

React Native isn’t the main innovation out there that permits you to make cross-stage applications:


The oldest referenced system, Xamarin is strongly connected with Microsoft’s technology given the C# language and the .NET structure. As we can peruse on its site, Xamarin permits you to share up to 75% of the source code. It upholds stages like Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and, obviously, Windows.

Xamarin has underlying parts that permit making a plan viable at a given stage. The disservice of this innovation is a more modest local area and fewer accessible libraries. Also, one of its cons is the significant expense of the Visual Studio – the IDE permit that you want to make applications in this system.

Hybrid Application

Hybrid applications permit you to make android applications by an android mobile app development company utilising any web innovations with any structure and afterwards utilise the Apache Cordova system to make a mobile application.

The benefit of this solution is the chance of involving a current web application and a typical code for every stage. The drawback is proficiency and the way that you want to work more on the application to ensure its native feel.

Native Development

The last elective worth focusing on is, obviously, the utilisation of native technologies to compose the application. This is the most costly method for executing an application (two groups required) where groups copy their code.

The greatest benefit of this methodology is application execution. Another advantage is the most straightforward utilisation of local parts like GPS or Bluetooth, and the native feeling of the application by the android app development company.

In Conclusion

The greatest benefit of cross-platform solutions is the concurrent creation of code for both mobile stages. It sets aside time and cash.

React Native stands apart from the other options. Why? Since it depends on the JavaScript programming language, which is huge and connected with the local area. At present, the accessibility of JavaScript engineers available is a lot more prominent than on account of, for instance. An extra benefit is the way that React Native depends on ReactJS. On account of this, having a web group of ReactJS engineers, it is not difficult to execute it in the development of mobile applications. So what are you waiting for? We’re an experienced android mobile app development company that would love to take complete application development off your shoulders. Leave a comment below, drop us a message or a call.


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