Legal Outsourcing: Things to know!

May 20,2019 by Prachi Priya

What is legal process outsourcing?

Legal process outsourcing, also called as legal outsourcing involves providing business process outsourcing services to a law firm or corporation outside the law firm or legal support services company. This is a rather novel concept for non-legal community. Although legal outsourcing does resemble BPO, they are not necessarily the same.

Lawyers in the UK, US, Singapore, Dubai, etc., charge legal fees on an hourly rate. Therefore, to reduce expenses, many legal companies work with BPO units in India to offer similar services at a reduced cost. Since India is a hub for graduates working in the call center domain, several law-passed out students can accomplish the designated task, complete the necessary process documentation, and submit lists to the clients.

The different types of tasks achieved through LPOs include adding documents on the basis of templates, reviewing documents, running company searches, legal searches, compliance to various laws, proofreading documents, etc. All such necessary tasks are accomplished through specialized software and other tools.

The biggest advantages of opting for legal process outsourcing include:

  • Cost-effective since Indian LPOs can get the same tasks done at a fraction of the total cost.
  • Experienced and knowledgeable graduates handling your account
  • Handling of all the repetitive and mundane tasks of your business while your core staff can focus on more operational-based process.
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Most of us are familiar with the term outsourcing, but any ideas what Legal Outsourcing is? Well, legal outsourcing, or say Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), is when a trustworthy external firm having experience of working for law companies performs your law-related business tasks.

The main goal of these business process outsourcing companies is to reduce business costs for their partners. Large organizations generally outsource their doc-review projects for litigation disclosure. Companies today want outsourced services, especially legal outsourcing, to be free from the non-primary operations to focus on core business development.

The legal industry has seen a paradigm shift in recent times and has grown in popularity. This fame of legal outsourcing firms has grown with time as companies today want lower operational costs, flexibility and take in-house development responsibilities more seriously. Many questions arise in a company owner’s mind while thinking of legal outsourcing for the business, and here we have answered some commonly asked queries.

What is the need to outsource legal operations?

This is the most obvious question and organizations are always puzzled about why is there a need to look for business process outsourcing companies? Well, some basic factors easily define its necessity! Outsourcing the legal operations, a business:

  • Saves cost.
  • Gets access to external experienced talent in minimal budget, which is not possible otherwise.
  • The business is safe from expenses over hiring and training. Moreover, staff attrition is not an issue, as the partner looks after all functions.
  • Reduced turnaround time.
  • Makes the business flexible.
  • Outsourcing the document review, contract management, research, and legal drafting, the business is free to focus on other core tasks.
  • A business that does not have its main root in legal functions, like real estate, especially get assistance with legal process outsourcing as an expert partner is available to look after business operations. Hiring could be very expensive and thus outsourcing is a lucrative option.
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All these factors define the need for Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) and the reasons businesses today take it so seriously.

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How to choose a legal partner?

Selecting a legal service provider is not as easy as it seems and is a challenging job. A correct partner always helps the business succeed and therefore, any mistake on selecting the outsourced partner can land the business into a problem, so, select wisely. Check out as we list down some tips to choose a correct legal partner:

•    Choose a partner that matches your business needs

Every firm has different business requirements and therefore hires a partner after identifying its specific business necessities. Look for the potential lawyers’ expertise and check if she/he can be relevant for your business.

•    A check on their website

When looking for business process outsourcing companies to outsource your legal process, check the potential partners’ site. Look for their expertise and finalize accordingly. Moreover, a face-to-face meeting with the managers to get all queries answered is essential. Check the website to look for previous accomplishments, so that reliability is not a concern.

Getting clear with all the above, you are assured of selecting the correct outsourcing partner.

What are the legal tasks to be outsourced?

Research and legal drafting

Research and legal drafting is a time-taking and painstaking job and can keep your in-house lawyers busy. To utilize the in-house expertise efficiently, it is essential to outsource legal drafting and research process, so that the internal resources are free for business development projects. Many businesses also feel hiring interns and freelance lawyers would work, however, having a reliable firm to look after all the operations for a long time is a better option.

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Document Review

Performing document review demands a huge workforce to perform tasks efficiently. This is because document review requires performing deposition summaries, coding of documents and performing several other tedious processes, where a huge workforce is essential. However hiring the same can be very costly to the business, which not all companies can afford.

Not outsourcing document review, the business makes its employees busy in mundane tasks, hampering the core development. However, when a company outsources the same, it saves business cost and ensures quality work, as a team of experts performs the task.

Contract management

Contract management is again a monotonous task because after looking at all the contracts and going through them, there is barely any time left for other productive functions. This is why companies look for reputed outsourcing firms to free them to focus on other business intensive operations. Outsourcing helps to keep a quality check on drawing up and scrutiny of contracts and even ensures positive monitoring thereafter so that quality deprivation is never an issue.

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Wrapping Up:

Business process outsourcing companies have always been in demand, taking it a step further and deeper, Legal Process Outsourcing is now quite popular among businesses. The legal sector is flourishing today and is one of the strongest in the outsourcing industry, showing no signs of abating and going from strength to strength.

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