Cloud Cryptography: A new fixation for Cloud Computing Service Providers

Feb 26,2021 by Admin

If you’ve landed on this article, you probably know what cloud computing is all about or don’t know about cloud cryptography. 

Either way, cloud computing is the future of enterprises, which is why you must know what it is and its connection with cloud cryptography before you start researching cloud computing service providers. 

Cloud computing betters business operations, data storage, and access. It provides you with a virtual infrastructure to store and run applications from remote locations, even the mountains (if there is internet connectivity). It expands your capabilities, potentializes the IT architecture, employs new software systems, and allows you to pay only for the services you use. 

All in all, the cloud is a:

  • scalable 
  • pay-as-you-go 
  • and on-demand services business model. 

Such advantages have increased the popularity of the cloud and paved the way for several cloud service providers

However, every technology has its own set of merits and demerits. As for cloud computing, some limitations make it vulnerable. 

Issues like multi-tenancy, access sharing, resource pooling, and data-stealing by cybercriminals add up to its security issues, which is why several organizations fear shifting from conventional network architecture to a cloud-one, even if it’s the best cloud computing services. 

When users upload their data to the cloud computing network during cloud storage, they never know the path of data transmission. They’re also unaware of data collected, its analysis, access by a third-party, etc. Such secrecy hampers data privacy, leads to unlawful data access, illegitimate data surveillance, etc. That is why organizations feel that cloud storage compromises data security. 

So, how to ensure 100% data protection?

Enter cloud cryptography. 

What is Cloud Cryptography?

what is cloud cryptography

In simpler terms, cloud cryptography enhances data security within the cloud. It assigns authentication keys to access the server, enforcing ease and safety. It employs data encryption techniques to allow partial and convenient data access to personnel authorized to do so. All in all, cryptography protects data within the cloud, allowing seamless data exchange and 100% data sensitivity. It is the answer for organizations hesitant to invest in the best cloud computing services

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As per cryptography experts, cryptographic security measures protect the information in motion and rest. In the cloud, you don’t have control over data storage and information exchange. However, in a cryptographic cloud, you have the luxury of maintaining control over the data via a cryptographic key. 

Understanding Cloud Cryptography: The Three Algorithms 

For cloud computing service providers, understanding how cloud cryptography works are of integral importance. It consists of three algorithms:

  • Symmetric key
  • Asymmetric key 
  • Hashing 

Symmetric algorithms:

In this setting, there is one key for encryption and data encryption each. It isn’t a computational power requiring and ensures high-level security. The symmetrical system provides a two-way authentication and authorization. For data decoding, the user needs to have a key to access the encrypted data. 

Asymmetric algorithms: 

There are different keys for encryption and decryption. Each user requires a separate decryption and encryption key. Since this model requires an access key on both sides to access information, it is the safest cloud cryptography method. 


A cloud cryptography method employed in blockchain security, all the data is stored in blocks, interconnected with each other like a string or chain. When a data blocked is added to the structure, it receives a unique code. To access that block, you require the key. Hashing helps to index and retrieve data in the database. It requires two different keys for encrypting and decrypting the data. It ensures safe, allowed, and faster data retrieval. 

How does Cloud Cryptography work?

cloud cryptography working

Cloud cryptography is the best cloud computing service because of its encryption techniques involving algorithms and computers. The mixed code, called ciphertext, is changed into simple code through an encryption key. It secures two data types: information at rest and data in transit. 

Information at rest represents data stored in the cloud, apps, mobile devices, or computer systems. On the contrary, the information in transit means data movement through the app, email, or browser network. 

That said, data encryption occurs in the following ways:

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Full Disk Encryption: The most secure form of data encryption, it safeguards computer hard drives. Any files stored on the hard drives are automatically encrypted. 

End to End Encryption: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger use this form of encryption. Senders and receivers employ this data encryption methodology, wherein only the conversing parties can read the information. 

File Encryption: A data encryption methodology for information at rest; it refrains unauthorized personnel from intercepting the details stored in a file. It means they cannot access the data a file holds unless they have a data encryption key. 

Pre-encrypting data: Before the information gets stored in the cloud, the software can pre-encrypt it to prevent anybody from reading the data or hack it. 

What are the benefits of Cloud Cryptography?

benefits of cloud cryptography

The only reason why the number of cloud computing service providers flourish today is its ample benefits. Modern organizations know that physical data storage is implausible, considering the several sources and types of data received and collected. 

Cloud computing answers the data storage questions; however, it does suffer from security challenges. Cloud cryptography addresses such issues, strengthening the cloud architecture. 

Several cloud service providers design cryptographic protocols, striking a balance between their security and performance. It discourages data hacking, breaching, or malware attacks. It allows only authorized personnel to view and decode the data, securing the entire IT infrastructure. With cloud cryptography in action, companies experience modern data storage, reliable, secure, scalable, flexible, and easily accessible. 

That said, the benefits of cloud cryptography include:

Data privacy: 

Even the best cloud computing services do not provide 100% data privacy to their clients. It poses a hurdle for companies and organizations that store sensitive and confidential information like customer details, medical records, social security numbers, etc. As cloud computing service providers grow in popularity, several researchers pursue cloud cryptography projects to address the changing business dynamics and challenges related to data protection. 

With an encrypted cloud service, the data remains private for clients since no unauthorized data access is allowed. 

Enhanced data security:

When you use cloud-as-a-service, you can choose when to encrypt your data. Hence, several companies decide to encrypt the data before leaving the organization and being uploaded to the cloud. 

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Moreover, since only authorized parties have the right decryption keys for the encrypted data, not everybody can know its contents. Several cloud computing service providers offer encryption capabilities, and for those that don’t, at least allow encrypted connections like HTTPS or SSL to ensure data security in transit. 

Authorized users:

Most cloud service providers allow prospects like sending notifications when any unauthorized user tries to access the database. Hence, the only ones that can gain access to the network are the ones who have the right cryptographic keys. 

Demerits of Cloud Cryptography

Every new technology has its own set of merits and demerits. 

Similarly, cloud cryptography has its setbacks. By knowing them, you can make accurate decisions on how to protect their data. 

High Costs:

Although cloud computing is an affordable pay-as-you-go service, cloud cryptography requires high investment. Data Encryption is costly and requires advanced systems to enforce it. So, organizations might need to update their IT infrastructure with a modern network to implement cryptography to its fullest. 

Server glitches are a possibility:

Glitches in the server can occur anytime. Even though your data is protected when in transit, there is a high chance of server glitches. 

Data Recovering becomes tough:

Placing your data in strong cloud walls is comforting, but it makes data recovery equally tedious. The more keys you need to decrypt the data, the more difficult it becomes to enter the server. So, overprotective measures can create hardships with data recovery. 


cloud systems

Companies know the importance of data, even the mismanaged and chaotically stored ones, which is why they’re taking a data-centric approach. Regarding cloud computing service providers, exploring the nuances associated with cloud cryptography and key management is a must to maintain their pace in the market and outpace the competition. 

As data management advances, so do data stealing and hacking. Hence, companies must implement data security solutions to protect their confidential information consistently. Cloud cryptography provides a robust and reliable way to manage data and enforce stringent encryption protocols. It is the modern answer to contemporary data threats, benefitting both cloud service providers and organizations alike. 

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