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Cyfuture is Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

Cyfuture- Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

Cyfuture India Private Limited recently added another feather in its cap when it attained the Gold Certified Partner status in the Microsoft Partner Program. Heading the Operations of this top-rated IT and ITES outsourcing services provider from India, Chief Operating Officer, Sandeep Sharma said, that "this partnership recognition would position us as a trusted technical support advisor for companies with long-term strategic technology plans".

Describing it as a pleasing achievement, CEO Anuj Bairathi expressed that, "as part of the Microsoft Gold Accreditation, we would obtain a rich set of technology benefits helping us extend positive customer experience in the channel.

In addition to leveraging on the competitive advantage on the marketplace, the Microsoft Gold status would help Cyfuture in delivering compelling business solutions to all its clients.

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