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Cyfuture Data Center Facility ready for business

Cyfuture will launch its data centre in November 2010 at NOIDA (Delhi NCR) and at Jaipur in January 2010, providing up to 200 racks/10,000 sq ft when completed, investing close to Rs. 10 crore in the first phase. The facility will have dual feeds and its own HV supply and substation. High energy efficiency UPS systems would provide uninterruptible power. The facility will have VESDA systems, providing smoke, fire detection, and fire suppression systems. Full racks will have up to dual 6 Amps as standard.

Anuj Bairathi, CEO of Cyfuture group commented, "We're extremely excited about building the business colocation facility. It will provide Managed Services and high-specification colocation services with great connectivity options, but without the high pricing." Educating us on data center, he further added that Datacenter used the industry-leading technology framework that is specially built for managed services with the highest level of security and instant fallback mechanism to offer the highest SLAs.

The company is targeting majorly in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore from these twin facilities. The data center in India is set to redefine standards in managed services and colocation, providing top-notch security and connectivity options at competitive pricing.

The company is targeting majorly in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore from these twin facilities.

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