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We refute Ringing Bells

We refute Ringing Bells' allegation of unsatisfactory services: Anuj Bairathi, CEO, Cyfuture

In response to Ringing Bells' allegation of unsatisfactory services after we decided to file a case of cheating and fraud against them, we would like to state the following:

1) From the very first day of the launch of the call center operations we have been requesting Ringing Bells to increase their number of seats from 100 to 1000 seats (one seat is one employee in BPO parlance) considering the large call flow that the call center started receiving from the public. We realized quickly that the number of number of seats contracted by them for the project was far less to handle the call traffic being received at the call center. We explained to them that not increasing the number of seats would lead to severe call drops but they were not willing to increase the number of seats as it involved additional costs. Now, we cannot increase the number of seats without client approval as every additional seat involves costs that has to be borne by the client. In this case, Ringing Bells was not willing to increase the number of seats which led to those call drops. Ringing bells was well aware of this fact that not increasing the number of seats will lead to call drops

2) Similarly, we have been requesting the client from the very first day to increase the number of PRI lines. They had contracted 4 PRI Lines only which was too less to handles such large volumes of traffic. But they refused to increase this key technology component as these too involved additional costs. We told them clearly that not increasing their PRI lines will lead to serious call drops. In short, here too they were aware that not increasing the number of PRI lines will lead to call drops

3) We have all documented e-mails to prove these interactions with the senior management of Ringing Bells

4) There is a deeper another reason for them not wanting to continue running the helpline apart from not paying Cyfuture their dues. And that is that they have no answers to many of the questions which are being asked by general public in the call center on payment link, why people were not receiving links to make payments in-spite of having successfully registered on their website, exact delivery start dates etc. etc

5) We have been in the BPO business for more than a decade. Our satisfied client list includes several reputed companies including Fortune 500 companies like IOCL, BPCL, HPCL and brands like RB, Ask me amongst many others as our BPO clients. One good example is the DBTL call center operations which we are managing across India. In short, we have the expertise and knowledge to successfully manage a BPO project

6) Most important, they are just trying to deflect from the main issue by now bringing in quality of service issues. Whereas, the main issue here is 'breach of contract'. Before contracting they had done their due diligence on our services, and then agreed for a lock-in period of one year based on which we decided to take up this project. Even Termination Clause after a period of one year was subject to a notice period of 30 days. But here, they have breached both these points, by abruptly sending us a mail saying they wanted to terminate our services which is highly unethical, unprofessional and legally not permissible.

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