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Cyfuture to file cheating case against Ringing Bells

Noida, February 25, 2016: Cyfuture, a leading provider of data center and business process outsourcing (BPO) services today announced that it is planning to file a case of cheating and fraud against Ringing Bells Private Limited, the makers of Freedom 251 brand of smartphones. Cyfuture is a vendor of Ringing Bells and was contracted by the company to provide call-center support for its smartphone brand in India.

The scope of work as per the agreement between the companies included Cyfuture managing helpdesk operations for Ringing Bells and providing support for its range of smartphones. It also included the support that needed to be provided both during and after the immediate launch of Freedom251 phone in India.

"We were always sceptical of Ringing Bells and their business model. However, after several rounds of discussions with their management team we decided to take up this project on account of good faith and assurances on paper that all contractual obligations will be met by them. To provide error-free and uninterrupted services, we hired a team of more than 100 professionals in the shortest possible time-frame and made their helpline live in 3 days. The first few days after the phone was launched, the call-center number received lakhs of calls which were attended and promptly responded to and even Ringing Bells was happy with our services. However, when we started asking for our payments, which were to be made to us on a weekly basis, they started making false allegations and abruptly decided to terminate our services citing unsatisfactory services without adhering to any of the clauses mentioned in the agreement signed between us" said Mr Anuj Bairathi, Founder and CEO, Cyfuture.

"The allegation of unsatisfactory services by Ringing Bells is completely false and unsubstantiated. We have been providing similar call-center/helpline services to several businesses in India including Fortune 500 clients for more than 10 years. We are known for our commitment to SLAs and our professionalism. The allegation by Ringing Bells of 'unsatisfactory services' is simply a ploy by Ringing Bells to deflect attention and escape their contractual and financial obligations" said Mr Amit Harshwardhan, Vice President and Head of BPO Operations, Cyfuture.

"This is a clear case of cheating, fraud and breach of contract. As per the contract, Ringing Bells had specifically assured us of a minimum lock-in period of one year and no termination before a year. Also, in the event of termination due to unsatisfactory services, Ringing Bells was to provide us a 30 day notice-period and make all pending payments. In the current scenario, they did not provide any notice period, refused to make our payments and abruptly terminated our services. They are also not taking our calls. We plan to take all necessary legal recourse including filing a police complaint to fight our case" Mr Bairathi added.

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