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Payment by wire transfer (in some countries it is described as Telegraphic Transfer)
This is the fastest way to start your order processing. Our banks are connected to the net and we are informed as soon as the funds are transferred into our account. You will have to use the following Bank details in case you select this payment option.
You can remit funds via any of these banks and you need to mention ULTIMATE BENEFICIARY INFO.
While remitting funds, please remember to mention the following clearly:
HDFC Bank Swift Code | HDFCINBB |
Name of beneficiary | Cyfuture India Pvt. Ltd. |
Account Number | 0542020000333 |
HDFC Branch name | Ashok Marg, JAIPUR |
HDFC Address | D-54, Sidhi Vinayak, Ashok Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, India |
Purpose of remittance | SERVICES |
List of SWIFT Codes and Nostro Account Numbers
Keep this information handy whenever you need to transfer funds:
Currency | Correspondent Bank | Swift Code | Nostro Account Number |
USD | JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank, NEW YORK | CHASUS33 | 001-1-406717 |
USD | Wachovia Bank N A (Formerly known as First Union Bank) | PNBPUS3NYC | 2000191000409 |
USD | Bank of New York, New York | IRVTUS3N | 8900330937 |
USD | Bank of America,New York ,USA. | BOFAUS3N | 6550492079 |
USD | ABN AMRO Bank, New York, USA. | ABNAUS33 | 574-0748188-41 |
USD | American Express Bank, New York, USA | AEIBUS33 | 45844 |
GBP | JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank, London, UK | CHASGB2L | 111-35191 |
GBP | Royal Bank of Scotland, London | RBOSGB2L | 10005149 |
GBP | Deutsche , London | DEUTGB2L | 84003011320000GBP000LDN |
GBP | LLoyds Bank, London, UK | LOYDGB22 | 1015444 |
JPY | Sumitomo , Tokyo | SMBCJPJT | 4313 |
JPY | JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank, Tokyo,Japan | CHASJPJT | 01-42-453539 |
EUR | JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank, FRANFURT | CHASDEFX | 6231602308 |
EUR | American Express Bank, Frankfurt | AEIBDEFX | 18102010 |
EUR | ABN Amro Bank, Frankfurt, Germany | ABNADEFF | 07370005602675019EUR |
AED | Emirates Bank International, Dubai,UAE | EBILAEAD | 0004-808439-784 |
AUD | ANZ Melbourne, Australia | ANZBAU3M | 568204AUD00001 |
NZD | ANZ National Bank Limited,Wellington, NZ | ANZBNZ22XXX | 568204NZD00001 |
CAD | Bank of Nova Scotia, Canada | NOSCCATT | 5271202445 - 11 |
CHF | Union Bank Of Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland | UBSWCHZH | 02300000094169050000E |
DKK | Nordea Bank, Copenhagen, Denmark | NDEADKKK | 5000015611 |
HKD | Standard Chartered Bank, Hongkong | SCBLHKHH | 44709406528 |
SEK | Nordbanken, Stockholm, Sweden | NBBKSESS | 39527909511 |
SAR | Saudi Holandi Bank, Saudi Arabia | AAALSARI | 031 002 605 275 |
SGD | DBS, Singapore | DBSSSGSG | 003-901438-4 HDFC BANK LIMITED |
SGD | JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank, Singapore | CHASSGSG | 111874122 |